

What is ENSM?

ENSM is a fifteen-month comprehensive programme that equips leaders for effective gospel ministry in the European context. Using a hybrid approach including in-person residential intensives, online distance learning, local church ministry, and expert/mentor input, students complete a core curriculum and choose one of three specialised ministry tracks. Appropriate for both full-time and part-time ministers, ENSM focuses on leadership capacity, Christian character, theological foundations, and practical ministry skills.

Our programme structure and outcomes are designed to equip leaders for God’s harvest in Europe.



Programme Features

  • Leadership 215: All ENSM students will complete Leadership 215, the global Every Nation course necessary for local church ordination. In addition to watching lectures, reading books, and writing papers, students will participate in online cohorts to ensure content consolidation. For those who have already completed Leadership 215, you will do the reading, writing, and review sufficiently to participate in the cohorts.

  • Ministry Tracks: all ENSM students will choose one of three ministry tracks (church leadership, church planting, campus ministry) for specialised ministry focus. Ministry tracks are taught both online and at the residential week and include lecture, discussion, and reading.

  • Residential weeks: all ENSM students participate in two residential weeks, one at the beginning of the course and one at the end. The residential weeks include both core curriculum and ministry track content.

  • Core curriculum: In addition to ministry tracks, half of the two residential weeks is devoted to core courses all students take including leadership, biblical and theological foundations, cross-cultural ministry (understanding the European context), and preaching.

  • Local church ministry project: All students complete a local church project in their ministry track area, in cooperation with their senior pastor and approved by the track leader.


Why enrol?

Europe remains a strategic mission field for God’s harvest, being home to many global top-100 universities.

Who’s it for?

ENSM is built for those aspiring to vocational and part-time local church ministry with Every Nation Europe... more


What we believe


  • You will have a deep understand of and be able to clearly communicate the gospel of Jesus to reach lost people and make disciples.

  • You will embody and grow in the practices of being and making biblically-formed disciples who love the Triune God, one another, and the Word.

  • You will develop consistent habits that lead to spiritual health, personal resilience, and sustainable ministry.

  • You will develop a healthy, Christ-centred, biblically-informed theological perspective.

  • You will develop a transformational preaching ministry that faithfully interprets Scripture for their contexts and presents the gospel through well-crafted, Spirit-empowered sermons.

  • You will be equipped to serve Christ’s Church through visionary leadership by developing a culture of risk-taking faith, pastoral care, team building, sound doctrine, strategic mobilization, and spiritual vitality.

  • You will exemplify a biblical theology of mission, cultural humility, and a sacrificial lifestyle by praying for nations, financing missions, and mobilizing disciples who go to every nation and every campus.



Our Team


Tom Jackson, PhD:

Director, ENSM

Having previously planted churches in Western Ukraine, Tom serves as Sr. Pastor of Centrepoint Church in Scotland. He also serves on the Europe Regional Leadership Team and is Professor of Theology and Mission at Every Nation Seminary.


Matt Rasch:

Campus Track Leader

Matt Rasch is pastor of Every Nation Marseille church in France. He has previously served on the Regional Leadership Team as our Campus Ministry Director.


Gareth Lowe:

church Leadership Track Leader

Having previously pastored in South Africa, Gareth Lowe leads Every Nation Berlin in Germany and has recently sent out an ENSM Church Planter graduate to plant a church in Glasgow, Scotland.

Mike Watkins:

Church Plant Track LEader

Mike planted and led churches in Ukraine and is currently planting a church in Prague. Mike serves as a member of our regional leadership team and is a trained church plant assessor.


Wolfi Eckleben:

Course LEader

Wolfi is the senior pastor of Every Nation Church London. He also functions as the Regional Director of Every Nation Europe and serves on the Every Nation Global Team.
